Before & After Care
Welcome to our Before and After Care Program!
Franklin County Public Schools (FCS) before and after school programs offer a balance of structured and free-choice activities designed to stimulate students’ intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development. The program extends learning beyond the regular school day and provides caring support for every child.
Afterschool Offers...
trained staff and a safe, stimulating environment activities in arts, crafts, music, dramatic play, science, language arts, organized indoor and outdoor games and physical activities homework and quiet time for social interaction with a diverse group of peers healthy afternoon snacks
Operating Information
Before school programs open at 6:30 a.m. and operate until the first bell rings. Elementary afterschool programs operate on school days from the time school is dismissed until 6:30 p.m.
Program Locations
Students attend the Before & Afterschool program at the school where they are enrolled. The program operates in each school’s cafeteria or multipurpose rooms.
Registration and Fees
Click here to registerRegistration Form
Franklin County Schools Before and After School Child Care Program is a non-profit, self-supporting service. The School Principal, Treasurer, or Site Coordinator can provide detailed information about the program at your child’s school.
Students may register for Before Care, After Care, or both. Enrollment priority will be given to kindergarten students, existing enrolled students, and then first come first serve. Minimum and maximum enrollment numbers will be managed by the site. Depending on enrollment, Before Care may not be available at all sites. Full time enrollment is required, part time enrollment is not allowed. Registration prior to the beginning of the school year is strongly encouraged. However, registration is accepted throughout the school year based on space availability. Once enrolled, the Site Coordinator and School Treasurer should be contacted in writing if your child will no longer attend the program. At this time the parent will be provided an invoice of any balances that are outstanding. Those balances will need to be paid immediately. Any unpaid fees may become part of the student’s permanent record.
Monthly fees are due by the 15th of the month. If fees are not paid by the 15th of the month a late fee of $25 will be accessed. If fees go unpaid for the entire month, the student will not be allowed to return to the program until all fees are paid in full.
The Before and After Care Program at each site will remain in operation based on the sustainability which will be determined by Franklin County Schools. Typically, the Program will operate only on student days. The Program may be open on required teacher workdays depending on projected attendance by location. The daily fee for teacher workdays is $16 and the parent/guardian would be responsible for all meals, snacks, and beverages for their child.
Fee Schedule
Month |
Before Care $8.33 per day |
After Care $11.11 per day |
Before & After $19.44 per day |
August and September (24 days) |
$199.92 |
$266.64 |
$466.56 |
October (22 days) |
$183.26 |
$244.42 |
$408.24 |
November (16 days) |
$133.28 |
$177.76 |
$311.04 |
December (15 days) |
$124.95 |
$166.65 |
$291.60 |
January (18 days) |
$149.94 |
$199.98 |
$349.92 |
February (19 days) |
$158.27 |
$211.09 |
$369.36 |
March (20 days) |
$166.60 |
$222.20 |
$388.80 |
April (15 days) |
$124.95 |
$166.65 |
$291.60 |
May & June (26 days) |
$216.58 |
$288.86 |
$505.44 |
Daily Schedule
Before School: 6:00 a.m. until school begins
After School: School dismissal until 6:30 p.m.
Depending on participation, the opening and closing times may vary by location.
Delayed Openings/Early Dismissals/School Cancellations
Make sure you sign up for text messages and emails when we have inclement weather delays. You can also check the district website or your school website for updates, as well as our Franklin County Schools Facebook page. In order to participate in the text messaging service, you must indicate your willingness to receive text messages to your phone, even if you received text messages this year. You must do this whether you have a child in the school system or belong to a community organization that wants to keep up-to-date with our alerts.
Please remember to complete the annual student update to ensure the school system has accurate information on file. Please check with the schools datamanager for more information.
Franklin County School cancellation, early dismissals and delayed openings will be announced on the following media:
Television: WRAL Channel 5
District Social Media Platforms
District Mass Commounication Messaging
~~When school is canceled for a full day due to inclement weather, etc., the Before & After School Child Care Program will be closed. You do not receive a refund for this day.
~~When a school day is delayed due to inclement weather, etc., the Before School Child Care Program will not operate that morning. You will not receive a refund for this time.
~~When school is released early due to inclement weather, etc., the After School Child Care Program will be closed. You will not receive a refund for this time. You should pick your child/children from school at the time of dismissal.
~~When school is released early due to any other emergency which prevents school from operating, such as water or sewer problems, the Before & After School Child Care Program will be closed. You will be notified to pick up your child as soon as possible. You will not receive a refund for this time.
~~When school is released early for faculty and staff development, (this includes the monthly early release days,) the After School Child Care Program will be open from the time of dismissal until 6:30 p.m. You are not charged for the additional hours.
~~When school is scheduled as a late arrival for students on election day the Before School Child Care Program will be open from 6:00 a.m. until school begins. You are not charged for the additional hours.
Behavior Policy
Praise and positive reinforcement are effective methods of the behavior management of children.When children receive positive, non-violent, and understanding interactions from adults and others, they develop good self-concepts, problem-solving abilities, and self-discipline. Based on this belief of how children learn and develop values, this facility will practice the following discipline and behavior management policy.
If a child has three Discipline Reports he/she will be suspended from the Before & After Child Care Program for three days; after two or more discipline reports the child will be Suspended from our program for five days. If discipline continues to be a problem, your child could be removed from the program permanently. If a child threatens another child, says they are going to harm themselves or someone else, the child will be suspended immediately and the Principal will be notified.

Mrs. Tomekca Sidberry
North Carolina Central University
Master of Education Early Childhood Education
Master of Education Educational Administration
Master of Education Educational Administration